Essayabout Illegal Immigration: Pros and Cons

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Illegal immigration is a significant issue in developed countries like the United States. Over time, Republicans and Democrats have had different approaches to this problem. When people migrate to another country without proper legal documentation, they violate the immigration laws of that destination country.

Immigration to various countries takes place for different reasons, such as escaping war or looking for better opportunities. Countries have established immigration laws to control this process and prevent the unauthorized entry of individuals without proper documentation. This is important because illegal immigration can negatively affect social welfare, healthcare, voting rights, economy, and human rights due to limited resources and time limitations. An illegal immigrant is someone who enters a host country without valid documents or with expired ones while not being a citizen of that country. Despite posing security risks, illegal immigration also offers several benefits.

The United States illustrates how illegal immigration can affect an economy, culture, and society. Various factors contribute to this occurrence, including civil wars that prompt individuals to cross borders into other countries. Poverty also drives both legal and illegal migration as people search for higher-paying jobs and better living conditions. An example of this is the annual increase in applicants for H-1B visas in the US, which allow highly skilled employees to work legally for companies.


  1. Anderson, Oliver C: “Illegal Immigration: Causes, Methods, and Effects.” New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2010. EBook. , Database: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). 2nd Apr.2014.
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  3. Gerking, Shelby and Mutti ,John H. “Costs And Benefits of Illegal Immigration: Key Issues For Government Policy”. 61.1 (June 1980): 71-85. Print. 2nd Apr.2014.
  4. Haines, David W and Rosenblum, Karen E.: Illegal Immigration in America: A Reference Handbook. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. 1999. EBook. , Database: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). 2nd Apr.2014.
  5. Nadadur, Ramanujan. “Illegal Immigration: A Positive Economic Contribution to the United States.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35.6 (2009): 1037-052. Print. 2nd Apr.2014.

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